
It is so nice to read a book with a lot of good news. Especially now. The news these days is filled with bad news about the environment, politics, geopolitics, war and conflict, etc. So therefore, it was really nice to read about the world and humanity and how it improved over the years and that the state of the world is actually better than we think. I loved all the data that is used in this book, and it shows again to really check certain claims or news with real and objective data. Rosling keeps comparing the scores of all the questions about the state of the world given by all kinds of different people (scientist, journalist, government, etc.) to his control group, namely chimpanzees. The chimps’ scores are random, but most of the so-called experts usually score worse than that. It shows that we have such a strong bias and don’t know or believe the data.

Being an auditor it is sort of my job to look for things that are going wrong, and therefore it is so important to keep your mind open for things that are going well. I think we sometimes forget to mention the good things in an audit report. This book showed me that we need to be more open minded and share more of the things that are going well and celebrate them!

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